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Here are some extra resources for you: |
This is not an exhaustive list, a trip to your library or searching on line will uncover more! All my books are listed here: Home Page They make great presents! |
The magical world of Butterflies: |
Beesandhoneycreatingpollinatorgardens: Many thanks to Lisa Garcia of Lakeville Nature Conservancy for recommending this web site found by Nicole, one of their members. We do not usually include commercial sites, but this one has really useful information and tips. The listing of products is a gift guide for the nature garden that has everything! Please do not forget *Stinging Nettles* they are important as a habitat for many butterflies and Ladybirds (Ladybugs) Please use your TooWoo series Magical World of Butterflies book to record all the different butterflies you help.
Best Lakes: Many thanks to Chelsea Beckham for recommending this web site. Although, currently, restricted to the USA it is a wonderful resource for those who want to visit or vacation by a Lake. Lakes are important habitats for some Butterfly species. To add interest to your holiday use your TooWoo series Magical World of Butterflies book to record all the different butterflies you identify. Maybe sharing with people from different areas and States you could help map populations.
Butterfly Garden: Many thanks to Jo Miller for recommending this web site. It is a great resource with excellent suggestion not just about gardens, but other vital butterfly help too. Apart from pictures of recommended flowers, there are important notes on pesticides , feeding and water. Check it out.
Own the Yard's Gardening for beginners: Many thanks to Ellie Slater for introducing this web site. It is full of tips to help you start your first garden and the benefit of doing so. Last but not least is the benefit to insect pollinators. Remember, No pollinators - No fruit!
Happy DIY home's How-to-build-a-wildlife-pond: Many thanks to Jess Miller for recommending this wonderful article by Elizabeth Waddington. It has everything you need to build your own wildlife pond. They can be quite small, but all help nature and will add to your own understanding and enjoyment. It's a valuable resource, please do take a look.
Angieslist.com's Creating a Wildlife Habitat in Your Backyard: Many thanks to Kelly Allen and her twins, Lacy and Layla for recommending this great site. It has lots of information to help you plan a garden that will really help wildlife. Visit now to start planning for the Spring.
Kremp.com's Flower-Gardening Many thanks to Jan Baker for recommending this interesting site. It has masses of information not just about flowers, but insect behaviour too. Well worth a visit.
Fragrancex.com Many thanks to Jamie Smith and her neighbour Lisa, for recommending this valuable site about the importance of fragrance in nature. Wild flowers have wonderful scents and many commercial varieties are losing them. Don't forget that scented flowers also help blind people to enjoy nature.
Homeadvisor.com Wonderful resource on building a butterfly garden: Ava Brown a girl scout, asked me to include the link as she and her friends Brooke & Kelli are working for their Junior Gardener's Badge. Ava, thank you so much for the suggestion. Good luck with your badge and thanks too to Lynette, your Mother, for contacting me and your Grandmother for letting you and your friends set up a garden at her home. I'm sure she'll enjoy the result.
Avasflowers.net This commercial company in the USA, and has great resources on gardens to help butterflies plus suggestion on a state-by-state basis. Amy, who attends sessions by the New Orleans Rose Society asked me to include the link. Amy, delighted to help and thank you for your suggestion.
The Lepidopterists' Society
in the USA is an excellent resource for those interested in Butterflies and has an
educational section.
It has an exhaustive list of web sites about Butterflies and Moths.
Discover life is a wonderful resource on the
natural world.
European Butterflies and Moths is a resource for European butterflies listed by Country.
UK Butterflies provides information on all of the butterfly species found in the British Isles.
Learn about butterflies Is a
website created and maintained by Butterfly expert Adrian Hoskins.
It has many photos and aids to identify species.
Butterfly Conservation Is a UK organization concerned with the conservation of butterflies, moths and our environment. It was formed by a small group of naturalists in 1968 following the alarming decline of many beautiful butterflies. Check for similar organizations where you live. Helping to preserve our natural world is important for all its inhabitants.
The Illustrated World Encyclopaedia of Butterflies & Moths: by Sally Morgan.
Hardcover, 256 pages Lorenz Books ISBN 0754818845 (ISBN 13: 9780754818847)
Smithsonian Handbooks: Butterflies & Moths: DK. Paperback: 304 pages.
ISBN-10: 078948983X ISBN-13: 978-0789489838
Collins Butterfly Guide: The Most Complete Guide to the Butterflies of Britain
and Europe by Tom Tolman 384 pages: ISBN-10 0007279779 ISBN-13 9780007279777
The Complete Book of North American Butterflies by Dr Paul A Opler.
Advantage Publishers Group: Paperback: 192 pages ISBN-10: 1607102765
ISBN-13: 978-1607102762