A frog's life. ISBN:978-0-9934145-6-5The third book in the "Exploring with Too Woo" series |
Frogs are the most fascinating of all amphibians. A frog's life is an exploration of their growth from a pond bobbing egg to a creature of legend and fairy tale, one that was hopping about long before people existed. Together with their toad cousins, they are a species of amazing diversity. From an egg protected and nourished by frogspawn through its development first as the vegetarian fish like tadpole to becoming the carnivorous frog. "A frog's life" is a journey of discovery into the lives and habits of one of nature's most treasured and diverse creatures. New ideas, words and natural processes are explained with full color illustrations. Learn why Latin and Greek are important to scientists and why they thank Carl von Linné for a great idea. There's the original story of the princess who kissed the frog, tips about explorer's kit, pages to colour, a quiz and space for notes. Included are print and web resources that will help to develop and nurture the interest this book will create |
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